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Before we start on this journey, I recommend to all my clients to invest in the following products as a hierarchy. Beyond these “essentials,” I am listing a few others that are most popular for those on this health and wellness journey.


Consider these investments in your health and fitness, an investment in YOU! Please reach out with any questions about these products or any others you see or problems you have that I may be able to help you find a solution for.

Full Mega:

Omega-3s are vital as our bodies are high in omega 6 due to stress, poor diets, and a lack of quality fatty acids from fish sources. Omega-6 levels in the body lead to overall inflammation, and again, this can impair our body’s ability to lose fat. Omega-3 counterbalances omega-6 levels and are crucial for heart health, immunity, and in keeping cholesterol levels in a healthy range.



97% of Americans are deficient in essential micro-nutrients as we do not eat our 10-12 servings of quality fruits and veggies a day. Micro-Factor will fill those gaps that even the cleanest and best diets have. Our bodies are smart machines and prioritize based on what has to happen first to live. Anything beyond that is asking more from our machine (fat loss included). For our bodies to work optimally and to do more than just “survive,” we have to have a solid foundation. All metabolic processes are driven by these key micronutrients. So in having a solid foundation, our bodies will be more effective at fat loss. This daily packet contains a multivitamin, probiotic (for gut health and immunity), a fruit and veggie blend, and antioxidant (reduce free radicals in the body and keep our cells young and healthy), CoQ10 (heart health, cholesterol reduction), and an essential fatty acid (for immunity, fat loss, and reduce inflammation).

Opti-Greens 50:

This greens product contains 50 greens that are non-gmo and organic harvested only in the US and Canada. As our diets not only lack 10-12 servings of fruits and veggies a day, diets also lack variety and quality foods free from pesticides and modifications. Opti-Greens fills that gap to reduce acidity in the body and restore natural pH, boost immunity, gut health, digestive issues, and primes the body for fat loss by reducing free radicals and controlling glycemic response.





Post-Workout Stack:

In the post-workout setting (all workouts minus a leisurely stroll) there is NO whole/real food that can be eaten and digested quickly enough to do the job of a post-workout isolate protein and carb/glucose powder. So why do you need something within 30 minutes of working out? You don’t “build” muscle in working out. You are actually breaking muscle down. Where you build muscle is once you shut off that breakdown. This is what drinking a post-workout shake will do. It will shut off the muscle breakdown, it will spike your blood sugar 6x faster than table sugar, so this shuts it off fast and shuttles the protein to the muscles quickly to heal the micro-tears and leads to a faster recovery and being FAR less sore. The less sore and fatigued you are, the better platform you are setting yourself up on for your next workout.




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Level-1 Protein: (meal or snack replacement)

Protein is the building block for lean muscles and metabolic processes. Most people need to be eating close to 1g of protein per body pound, and this is a place where most diets are lacking. Protein, of all macro-nutrients, is the hardest to metabolize as fat, so this is a place where you rarely can eat more than you need; however, most of us have diets rich in carbs and fats and lacking in protein across all 6 meals a day. So this is a great place to supplement for convenience. One scoop of Level-1 will give you the proteins, carbs, and fats that should be consumed in each meal. This is a “meal” that can be made/consumed in less than 2 minutes. They low-heat processing for both this protein and the post-workout protein ensures that you are able to digest all grams listed and will NOT cause gas, bloating, or any digestive upset.



Meal Replacement


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From there, 1st Phorm makes products to improve immune function, reset adrenal systems from caffeine overuse, joint pain pills, cardiovascular health, prostate health, natural testosterone boosters, prenatal vitamins, kids’ vitamins, and a wide-range of pre-workouts as well as other sports and wellness products. The link below will get you free shipping on gear and supplements. 

Stephanie Lawler




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